About the Competition
The Students Innovation Hub competitions are organized by the Technical University of Sofia since 2019.
The goal of the Hub competitions is to stimulate the students of the Technical University – Sofia and the students from the university’s schools:
- to develop and upgrade their potential,
- create innovations,
- to be creative,
- to join the scientific and research activities inherent to the university,
- to improve the relationship between the teachers and scientists at TU, university and schools students.
Participants in the competition present projects with an original solution to interdisciplinary problems in the field of technology, overcoming the boundaries between academic disciplines. The competition aims to encourage the participation of students in science promotion forums, national and international competitions and conferences, to provoke their desire to create innovations, to be competitors of their peers in Bulgaria and around the world. Last but not least, the competitions aim to increase interest in higher technical education and career opportunities in the field of science and innovation.
Participants are encouraged to develop projects that offer innovative approaches to solving technical or scientific challenges and have the potential to transform into utility models or patents following the successful realization of their ideas. This fosters an encouraging environment where students and scholars can express their creative potential and contribute to scientific and technological advancement through tangible innovations.
The maximum amount of the requested finding is BGN 5,000. The funds can be used for:
- purchase of equipment, materials and consumables related to work on the project;
- participation (including secondments of the students) in national forums and competitions – up to 25%. Can be spent only for students secondments;
- publication activity.
How do I apply?
Application for the competition is entirely electronic and is done with the active assistance of a mentor selected in advance by the student. The mentor must submit the project in e-TUS.
The application deadline is 10.11.2024, inclusive.