Please read some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers here:
Innovation occurs when we create or significantly improve a product, service, or the way things are done, making them new or much better than before. It can range from a new phone with an improved camera to a new method of organizing office work that makes tasks easier and faster for people. The goal is for these changes to make the product or service more appealing and sell better, or to enhance the company's success.
In the context of engineering, innovation means developing new or significantly improved products, processes, or technologies that are practical, marketable, and potentially lead to economic benefits. This includes creating new machinery, materials, software, or production methods that facilitate and optimize work, enhancing quality and efficiency, and are essential for technological progress and sustainable development.
We encourage participation in projects of a multidisciplinary nature. For example, you can develop a software product that helps diagnose a disease, or use a new type of material to construct a machine or part of a machine, or apply artificial intelligence to solve climate-related problems, or improve the functionality of a robotic system or robot, or improve the design of a device by applying new technologies. The latter are just examples and you should not limit yourself to them. Any project idea related to engineering and that involves innovation can be successful.
You have your supervisors and professors who can certainly assist you find a suitable mentor. If necessary, the Research Sector (NIS) of TU - Sofia can also assist you in finding a suitable mentor. For this purpose contact Assoc. Vladislav Slavov (, briefly describe the idea of your project and what expertise you think the mentor should have. Additionally, at the end of this document you will find a list of TU-Sofia scientists who have expressed their willingness to be mentors in the competition. In the list you will find their competences to choose the right mentor for your project. You can email the mentor directly.
Yeah. In addition to your mentor, other colleagues or classmates may be part of the team. They are not required to be in your major/field. Collaborating with colleagues from different disciplines can help make your project interdisciplinary.
Yes, but in a team with a student/students from the TU - Sofia technology schools.
Yeah. The idea of the competition is for participants to develop a product, model, mock-up, prototype, which can be hardware or software or a combination. The final product must be innovative i.e. an improved version of something existing or a completely new product.
The submission will open 10.10.2024. The deadline for applications in 2024 is 10.11.2024.
Application for the competition is entirely electronic. The mentor fills in the application form in the electronic system of TU - Sofia. The mentor must enter in the form service information such as: project name, team members' names, etc. The mentor will also enter the details of the project description, which consist of: a description of the innovative solution with a brief presentation of the current state of the problem (up to 3500 characters), the planned activities, the materials and facilities needed to implement the project, the rationale for the requested funding, and a timetable for the implementation of the activities. The mentor will also fill in the specification (details) concerning the materials and supplies to be purchased by the project and plan the costs for the promotion of the project work (e.g. participation in competitions, forums, etc.).
If the project is approved and funded, work on the project will begin after a contract with the mentor is signed in early February of the current year. The project activities usually cover the period February-November, and by the end of November the project work should be fully completed and a report prepared.
Whatever the team believes will be necessary to successfully implement the project and is within the maximum project budget. The Public Procurement Act must be complied with when purchasing goods and services.
Project proposals are evaluated by a panel of experts on a number of criteria, which include feasibility, usefulness, innovativeness of the development, the plan for promoting the results and ideas of the project, and whether the costs are well justified.
A successful project should not be limited in the ways and platforms of presentation. The team will have the freedom to present the project in selected forums and through appropriate platforms. TU - Sofia will organize a forum where all students will have the opportunity to present their work to their colleagues, friends, relatives and representatives of the academic community and industry. TU - Sofia will present a digital platform to present the project and the team that developed it.
All participants who successfully complete their project will receive certificates for participation in the development of a research project.
The NEC of TU - Sofia will do its best to assist you and answer any questions related to the competition. Do not hesitate to contact Assoc. Vladislav Slavov (

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Write to Assoc. Vladislav Slavov